Getting Started


polarTransform is a Python package for converting images between the polar and Cartesian domain. It contains many features such as specifying the start/stop radius and angle, interpolation order (bicubic, linear, nearest, etc), and much more.


polarTransform has an MIT-based license.



  • Python 3
  • Dependencies:
    • numpy
    • scipy
    • scikit-image

Installing polarTransform

polarTransform is currently available on PyPi. The simplest way to install alone is using pip at a command line:

pip install polarTransform

which installs the latest release. To install the latest code from the repository (usually stable, but may have undocumented changes or bugs):

pip install git+

For developers, you can clone the pydicom repository and run the file. Use the following commands to get a copy from GitHub and install all dependencies:

git clone pip install git+
cd polarTransform
pip install .

or, for the last line, instead use:

pip install -e .

to install in ‘develop’ or ‘editable’ mode, where changes can be made to the local working code and Python will use the updated polarTransform code.

Test and coverage

Run the following command in the base directory to run the tests:

python -m unittest discover -v polarTransform/tests

Using polarTransform

Once installed, the package can be imported at a Python command line or used in your own Python program with import polarTransform. See the User Guide for more details of how to use the package.


Bugs can be submitted through the issue tracker.

Pull requests are welcome too!

Next Steps

To start learning how to use polarTransform, see the User Guide.